TRUNK President Yoshitaka Nojiri’s project to discuss the strategy, ideas, and originality of TRUNK(HOTEL). In this issue, he will explain where TRUNK-ness lies and reveals why they are attached to the city of Tokyo.
TRUNK-ness can only manifest itself in Tokyo
TRUNK targets seasoned travelers who are socially conscious so creativity is our top priority.
Tokyo is the only place where we can manifest our perfect creativity with confidence. We created TRUNK(HOTEL) at Jingumae with meticulous attention to details, and we received support from many partners to achieve perfection. If someone asks me if I can create a hotel of equal or higher quality outside Tokyo, my honest answer is no. I’m not sure if we can establish a system to do so in the future, either.
In order to establish a one and only hotel.
If you want to make a hotel using a copy-paste model, you can build a hotel in Paris, London or anywhere else. But our boutique hotels are truly unique. The underlying philosophy is to respect the history and culture of the area and then create new things. So we did a thorough research of Shibuya before we built TRUNK(HOTEL) at Jingumae.
Considering the effort, I don’t think we can make a hotel overseas or even outside Tokyo. If we do so, our attention to detail will never be enough. We have been fortunate to receive offers to open our hotels overseas, but we have no choice but to decline such offers because it is still beyond us.

The “TOKYO PLAY” message.
We have many friends and fellows in Tokyo. We have many reliable partners who want to make Tokyo a more interesting place, and the number of such partners will further increase. We really respect each other, and we simply call them Tokyoites. We enjoy Tokyo with Tokyoites.
The main theme of making TRUNK’s hotels is “TOKYO PLAY”.
Tokyoites are people who are sensitive creativity, love Tokyo, and know how to play in Tokyo just like us.Together with them, we are going to make TRUNK(HOTEL) a place where we can make a bold statement as to the charm of this interesting city, Tokyo under the theme of “TOKYO PLAY.”
A team of Tokyoites, not employees of a hotel operator, will develop this hotel. Tokyoites are also a wide variety of fellows who are able to achieve a high level of performance. We would like to stimulate each other and develop interesting plans together. This is another TRUNK strategy we place importance on.
What is necessary to express “Tokyo.”

I have walked on foot in Tokyo for over 50 hours for this month alone. I was born and raised in Tokyo, and many members of TRUNK are also from Tokyo, but I realized that there are still many things I do not know. Even if you spent an entire year walking, it would be impossible to cover all of Tokyo. By the way, my impression of Tokyo is “chaotic.”
In order to express chaos, we need to associate with diverse people, and make the company chaotic as well. This is why Trunk has many people with various special abilities. We try to avoid being uniform and yet be able to demonstrate overall high performance. Respecting diversity necessarily entails all kinds of collisions and issues, but not being afraid of diversity may also be one of our important commitments.

We are looking for people who are interested
in working at TRUNK and creating the future
of TRUNK together.